Friday, September 9, 2011

Out of the Blue

Well, last night was the BIG BLACK OUT of southern San Diego, Arizona, and parts of Orange County and Baja California Mexico.  It affected us, and what a nice opportunity to TALK about electricity, and all that it affects.

Yesterday I forgot to mention the letter Sarah made out to her pen-pal.  Her pen-pal just lost her grandmother and Andrew was so moved by it that he dictated a letter of condolences for Sarah's pen-pal.  I need to remember to copy these letters before they go out.

Then tonight, Sarah pulled out my sewing basket (blowing off some dust) and wanted to work on embroidery/cross stitching.  And then so did Andrew.  They spent about an hour working on their projects.

 And Andrew has been into making soldiers out of anything/everything . . here are some play clay soldiers he made and armed.

Then Andrew made armies out of paper and waged war all over my living room, and when a "bomb" went off, he methodically tore off heads, limbs, etc to have strewn about. Is this healthy? Hmmm - 

Sarah mentioned she wants to work on her cursive writing.  Maybe tomorrow.

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