Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rube Goldberg Machines

Andrew, my "maker" has been reinventing this versions of  a hot wheels Rube Goldberg Machine.

Today we did this after we watched this video: 

And a Mythbusters where they did a Rube Goldberg machine for Christmas.  Seemed appropriate: 


Something I hope to do again . . . Andrew did this:
Ironically, I admit to being a dyslexic, and the error in the spelling of camouflage is something I would totally do -even had to rely on the computers spell check to get it right this time- but the mistake is my husbands.  Hehe -

And Sarah did Mermaids . . . so *we* knew Mermaids liked to drown people long before that Pirate of the Caribbean movie.
Then there was a talent show, and it was so much fun!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lessons by Strewing.

Dinosaur math, enjoyed by all.

Geography lesson taught by dad.

This night, besides the math games, and letter bingo, we talked about presidents that were on our currency and Benjamin Franklin who was *not* a president but on our currency.

This spun off to a talk about what Benjamin Franklin did, and the kite and electricity thing . . . so we ended the day watching a Mythbusters (don't ya' know, we love em.) about the kite flying experience.