Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I am Thrilled

I didn't encourage it.  I didn't plan it.  I didn't even see it happen, but what happened I HEARD because I was in the office, and they were right outside my door, and I heard Sarah, my Learning Difference-It-Hurts-To-Read girl offer to read to her Daddy.

*eh'hem*  Offer To READ To Her Daddy!

And she did.  She read out of the big red Dick and Jane book we picked up for her.  And she read Better Than I've Heard Her Read before!

I trusted her to read when she wanted to, and do a good job, and not hate it 'cause I wasn't making her . . . AND SHE DID!

If you have super star readers and are unfamiliar with Learning Disabilities and such, I know this seems kinda crazy for you . . .

But for me?

Time to break out the fireworks, baby!!!


Brittney Harmon said...

this was my prediction... but so soon??? my goodness!! So excited!!!

Shauna said...

that is so exciting!! YAY!!