Yesterday not a lot happened. At least in the regard to the kids day.
I went with my hubby to meetings and then we had to take our sick baby boy (ok, he's 3) to the ER because of a cold triggered asthma attack.
When I asked my mother, a.k.a. the babysitter, what if any learning was done she said - well no, since 3yr old was so sick they just mostly watched cartoons. So whatever Dora the Explorer was teaching yesterday. And Sarah made scrambled eggs in the microwave and toast for herself. Home economics?
And Andrew spent hours using wooden blocks to create a town. Using cars to drive around. We didn't get a picture and this morning - by the time my mom tells me about it -it looks like it was hit by Hurricane Irene.
Today we are off and running. Sarah has been watching videos and talking about orangutan mothers in captivity and them learning to be mothers. Followed by Anaconda Hunters video and talked about poisonous vs non poisonous boas and snakes. She likes to study snakes. She also left me this note:
It's actually an improvement to her spelling and sentence structure. Her improvements are that the first word is capitalized in the sentence, all the correct letters are in "love" and *almost* in the right order - before it was spelled "lavo" or some such combination. And "mom" is spelled right and not capitalized - before it was "Mooomy" or something similar. This is *IMPROVEMENT!*
And then she worked on a "to do" list - she drew boxes and numbered them, then drew the "to do"s for her day. Let's see what she if we can figure it out . . .
lift weights sell magazines
- wash car
surgery on teddy bear sell toys
- puppet show
- walk the dogs (for money)
- wash windows
learn something - teach people English
- baby sit
- ?
So - after asking Sarah she tells me this is her list of ways to earn money! Good Job!
Anyone want their dog walked?
Andrew, meanwhile is making a knight. Dressing his knight up with aluminum foil.
Every good Knight needs a well armored steed!
Making final adjustments to the helmet, and VOIALA!
Any damsels need rescuing?
Finally we had a great time in PE and aquatic sports playing in the kiddy pool!